These have the same value or better for every stat.

    These have very similar stats.

      Find the best combo according to a custom formula.

        Driver EmblemDrivers





          Custom Formula

          Cook up your own formula to find the exact combo you need. Positive coefficients will maximize the stat, negative coefficients will minimize it.



          Ground Speed

          Anti-Gravity Speed

          Underwater Speed

          Air Speed




          Ground Handling

          Anti-Gravity Handling

          Underwater Handling

          Air Handling



          Frame Size

          Custom Formula Help

          Formula Coefficients

          Every combo is scored by multiplying each stat’s value by its coefficient and summing them all.

          A positive coefficient maximizes the stat, a negative one minimizes it, and zero means the stat is ignored.

          Speed and Handling

          The Speed and Handling stats are unified versions of their four component stats.

          Internally, the coefficient you set for these is split into the component stats as follows: 75% to ground, 17% to anti‑gravity, 5% to air and 3% to underwater.

          Filters and Locks

          You can set minimum and maximum values for each stat. Combos outside this range will be excluded.

          Use the checkboxes at the bottom to exclude types of vehicles from the results.

          Note that your locks are respected, and may conflict with these filters.

          More Info

          For info about the game’s stats, see the Mario Wiki.


          Mini-Turbo (MTB)

          The hidden Mini-Turbo stat determines the length and speed of drift boosts, and the length of jump boosts.

          Speed (SPD)

          Speed has 4 stats, only the first of which is displayed in-game. They are Ground (SPDGR), Anti-Gravity (SPDAG), Water (SPDWT) and Air (SPDAR). They determine your top speed in each medium.

          Acceleration (ACC)

          Acceleration determines how fast you can reach top speed.

          Weight (WGT)

          Weight determines the physics of collisions with other vehicles. Higher weights push lower weights.

          Handling (HND)

          Handling has 4 stats, only the first of which is displayed in-game. They are Ground (HNDGR), Anti-Gravity (HNDAG), Water (HNDWT) and Air (HNDAR). They determine how sharp and wide you can drift and steer in each medium.

          Traction (TRN)

          Traction determines how much you slip on terrain like sand, snow, ice and wet asphalt.

          Invincibility (INV)

          The hidden Invincibility stat determines how long you stay invulnerable after being hit.

          Combo Parts

          A combo is comprised of a driver, a body, wheels, and a glider. The driver is usually the most important in terms of stat contribution. The glider is the least important.

          Tap any combo part to change it.

          Part Classes

          Parts that have the same stats as your current combo have a dashed outline in the part picker.

          Note that INV and frame size can change even between parts of the same class.


          You can lock a part to limit which combos appear in the Dominant, Similar and Custom Search tabs. This can help you find interesting combos according to your style preferences.

          Random Combo

          Tap the Random Combo button to replace your currently active combo with random parts. Lock individual parts to keep them.

          Frame Size

          The driver determines the combo’s frame size between small, medium, and large. This affects your in-game hitbox.

          Inside & Outside Drift

          There are 2 types of bikes: Standard Bikes and Sport Bikes. All bodies except Sport Bikes have outside drift.

          Visit the Mario Wiki for more info about the game.


          Credits & Info

          This app is licensed under CC BY‑NC‑SA 4.0.

          Design & Code by 🏳️‍🌈 Jérémie Dupuis.

          Stat data from Mario Wiki, licensed under CC‑BY‑SA.

          Images of in-game characters and parts were taken from The Spriters Resource and are copyrighted by the developer of the game.